Q. Why are you buying Mass Effect 2 and 3 now?
A. Because I was busy when 3 came out and I never really owned 2, so I looked it up and got for a very nice price indeed. Whereas it would have cost me 699 sek (that being about 99.84 U.S dollars) to buy just Mass Effect 3 in my local Game store, but when I bought only both games only cost me as much as 421 sek (60.13 U.S dollars). So two great game for less than what it would cost somewhere else seems like pretty good deal.
So I super excited both to finally myself get to play the last chapter in one of my favourite game franchise, even though the ending is (as the majority of fans that have played it already put it) shit. Also pretty shitty that they will release a DLC ending, but I guess it might be okay if they let download it for free, which they probably won't. Seriously complete your games.
Also I excited to be able to replay ME 2, since I only borrowed the game and only had time for one whole play through and there are a lot things I want to do differently, such as not make Tali (my romance) die in the end of the game.
Other than that I have nothing more to say about it all, the next game I will be looking forward is probably GTA V if they release it this year or not this year, and hopefully sometime in the future ubisoft will get their asses on making Beyond Good & Evil 2.
You should just let Tali die. Then you can spare her the pain of living through the shitty ME3 ending. No but seriously, ME3 was pretty good up until the last few missions and the ending, which not only ruined the whole game but the whole series as well. I will probably never be able to play any of them again.
Yeah, here's hoping they at least make something decent with that DLC they're supposed to give out. Even though it is utterly shitty to make you pay for an ending to a game you already bought.