Last week my band and I performed at sort of city festival. We didn't get paid for that but it was fun nonetheless and it was a good way to make more people aware of our bands existence. Overall people thought we were good, and some even went to extent to say that we was the greatest band there. Although my older brother didn't think to much of us, but that is not the point of this news post.
No the point is that some days later some guy contacted us on facebook and asked us to perform at his soon to be opened coffee house... joint kind of thing I don't think you Americans have a equivalent to what it is. But any case, he also said that he would ready to pay us.
So not only did he like us so much to he wanted us to perform at his joint, but he is also willing to pay us for doing so. Why I making big deal of this. Well it is the first we will get paid for performing, and that makes me feel kind of professional.
Soooo, yeah... IMA PROFESSIONAL!
picture of me being a professional