With your mother. Because why would you even think that? That's just weird and gross... You're gross, that's what I'm trying to tell you....
Oh yeah, and then there was this youtube video of me and band from our latest performance. Quality on video is not the greatest I know, but then again it could be worse. So please give some feed back in the comment because I would like that and it would make me very happy, and when I'm happy I may just give you a blowjob.
Any feedback is welcome good or bad as long as it helps us as a band develop further. So no "Lol u suck gaytard", because that is just not cool and if you do such thing you're a very uncool person that deserves to die... Slooowly... Well without any further ado, here is the video in question.
Stay homosexually ambiguous out there guys.
dem sexy swedes :d
Good, because if our music doesn't get anywhere we also have our good looks to fall back on.