From time to time I upload music here, but for the most part I make dick jokes on the BBS.

Age 32, Male

Something with TVs


Joined on 8/10/09

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Mismo's News

Posted by Mismo - September 9th, 2012

Soon (maybe) I will probably uploaded a new original song in the audio portal. My band and I will start recording a demo on Tuesday (or Monday for you Americans I take it) and on it will feture on song that I haven't uploaded before. The other song is already in there, although I might consider uploading that one to just to have a studio version since the one in the is for a live performance.

So if you have stumbled upon this news post check out my music in the audio portal and if you like please let me know and hell let me know if don't like it. Criticism is always a good thing right? Then you can always come back later and check if I have uploaded anything new and then you can tell if you did or didn't like that too.

Posted by Mismo - August 14th, 2012

Last week my band and I performed at sort of city festival. We didn't get paid for that but it was fun nonetheless and it was a good way to make more people aware of our bands existence. Overall people thought we were good, and some even went to extent to say that we was the greatest band there. Although my older brother didn't think to much of us, but that is not the point of this news post.

No the point is that some days later some guy contacted us on facebook and asked us to perform at his soon to be opened coffee house... joint kind of thing I don't think you Americans have a equivalent to what it is. But any case, he also said that he would ready to pay us.

So not only did he like us so much to he wanted us to perform at his joint, but he is also willing to pay us for doing so. Why I making big deal of this. Well it is the first we will get paid for performing, and that makes me feel kind of professional.

Soooo, yeah... IMA PROFESSIONAL!

picture of me being a professional

Getting paid for playing music.

Posted by Mismo - July 31st, 2012

O Fortune,
just like the moon
thou art variable,
always dost thou
wax and wane.
Detestable life,
first dost thou mistreat us,
and then, whimsically,
thou heedest our desires.
As the sun melts the ice,
so dost thou dissolve
both poverty and power.

and empty fate,
thou, turning wheel,
art mean,
good health at thy will.
in obscurity,
thou dost attack
me also.
To thy cruel pleasure
I bare my back.

Thou dost withdraw
my health and virtue;
thou dost threaten
my emotion
and weakness
with torture.
At this hour,
therefore, let us
pluck the strings without
Let us mourn together,
for fate crushes the brave.

Posted by Mismo - July 12th, 2012

Not a particularity good one though

I am an artist

Posted by Mismo - July 11th, 2012

cause I'm not ginger.

Posted by Mismo - June 16th, 2012

Q. Why are you buying Mass Effect 2 and 3 now?

A. Because I was busy when 3 came out and I never really owned 2, so I looked it up and got for a very nice price indeed. Whereas it would have cost me 699 sek (that being about 99.84 U.S dollars) to buy just Mass Effect 3 in my local Game store, but when I bought only both games only cost me as much as 421 sek (60.13 U.S dollars). So two great game for less than what it would cost somewhere else seems like pretty good deal.

So I super excited both to finally myself get to play the last chapter in one of my favourite game franchise, even though the ending is (as the majority of fans that have played it already put it) shit. Also pretty shitty that they will release a DLC ending, but I guess it might be okay if they let download it for free, which they probably won't. Seriously complete your games.

Also I excited to be able to replay ME 2, since I only borrowed the game and only had time for one whole play through and there are a lot things I want to do differently, such as not make Tali (my romance) die in the end of the game.

Other than that I have nothing more to say about it all, the next game I will be looking forward is probably GTA V if they release it this year or not this year, and hopefully sometime in the future ubisoft will get their asses on making Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Posted by Mismo - June 8th, 2012

But I'm not a pornstar!


Posted by Mismo - June 1st, 2012

I want to un-meh it. But it ain't the energy for it, which makes it even more meh-er(?). It's a circle of the evil kind, and it's hard to break.

And now candy!

My life is meh...

Posted by Mismo - May 20th, 2012

Now that I've got your attention. I never really thought any of them "try not to laugh at this" videos on youtube to funny. So I've tried and succeed many times. But this made me laugh though.

Posted by Mismo - May 2nd, 2012


If you'd say my Mom I'd say you're right. She's hilarious!