
116 Movie Reviews

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You can draw that much is true. But you lack any sense of humor. In this flash you have only one joke, and not a very funny one at that which you repeat over and over with little variation, and it also makes you seem immature and childish. Try something else, don't make unnecessary long flashes that either is so long that most people stop watching until the actually punchline comes or keeps repeating the same joke over and over. Stop trying to seem mature by making sex jokes all time because the way you're doing it, it only makes you look even more immature.

Evidently since you use a translator and don't speak a lick of English most of what I've written will probably be lost in translation and you will tragically have learned nothing.

Too long for it's pay off that wasn't that funny any way, and probably should be rated M at least because of partial nudity.

Yeah that's right kiddies, there's some animated tits in this sub-par flash.

This why you shouldn't drink.

Such a waste of good animation.

CooliSushi responds:

Its never a waste of animation if the person who animated it, enjoyed it! :)

This is why we should cross-breed cats and turtles.

Sexual-Lobster responds:


A typical romantic tragedy. An irresistible man that all the women yearns for have fallen in love with the random girl on TV. He tracks her down and decides to invade her home to profess his love. But alas she does not seek the mans affection and instead summons a inter-dimensional demon god that will rule this world forever. Truly the most common tragedy known by man.

Well I chuckled ^^

Damn Utah, when I said you're good at making flashes I was wrong. You're great at it.

I don't really know what to say. There's nothing wrong with it, animation is good and the music fits well to the whole video. But I don't really know what I just saw, and I don't really know what you were trying to get across with this video. But as it is, it still somehow a very decent music video.

From time to time I upload music here, but for the most part I make dick jokes on the BBS.

Age 31, Male

Something with TVs


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