
116 Movie Reviews

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The least you've could have done is to have English subtitles since after all English is mostly used on this site.

MASTERdiegor96 responds:

thank you, i put subtitles now, enjoy it. :)

I'm impartial to this whole pewdiepie hate thing that is going on, so what goes in the way comedy I would not say that is funny at all, just a childish jab against some Internet celebrity you don't like.

But I would very much like to give credit on animation skill because it was actually quite good. So would like to see more things from you that just aren't made to spite people, but something that is actually funny and well thought out.

Ah that was funnier than I expected. Just thought it would a mean spirited parody of MLP. But this was actually really funny and your accent really makes the joke hit home.

RyanHatesMilk responds:

Awesome! Thanks!

Oh. My. Fucking. GOD! That was probably one the most depraved and sick things I've seen in awhile.But why I wonder. Why did I laugh?

Oh man I'm going to hell.

Mosamabindrawin responds:

If you're going to hell for laughing at it, THEN WHERE AM I GOING FOR HAVING CREATED IT!? OH GOD NO SAKDLJHSDFJKHS;

I didn't really get why they seemed pissed at the son, but then I watched again and if it is what I think it is, sir you are one hilarious mothafucka.

boybogart responds:

i stand guilty

Racism at it's finest. Nice job, really funny and good animation as usual.

Mildly amusing, nothing to special but it made me chuckle at some points I admit.

Rovertarthead responds:

Thanks pal! Hope you enjoyed it.

"Bears are peaceful creatures and won't attack unless provoked" -Skyrim loading screen.

"Lets go and get that daedra artifact and- oh shit, bear!(killing bear) Puh that caught me off guard but lets continu- WHAT! (killing the other bear). Okay that was very unexpected but probably won't happen anymore I mean two bears attacking me at the right after the other I mean when does that happe- FUUUCK! (killing a third bear)." - Me real life.

From time to time I upload music here, but for the most part I make dick jokes on the BBS.

Age 31, Male

Something with TVs


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