
116 Movie Reviews

22 w/ Responses

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Even the hero of time must worry about his taxes. Loved the biggaron swords joke on the back of the porno magazine.

Totally made my day

You've captured to characteristics of all the communities so good, and the final punchline made me laugh so hard. I got to give it to you that you know how to do your thing, your animation is always great, your voice acting is awesome and your humour always make me laugh.

What can I say I love what you do, and this flash is no exception. So keep up the good work, and I hope you might come up sequel to this, not that is necessary but I would love to see more.

That was weird

Fairly decent animation, good voice acting. But the comedy, was weird and I don't know why I keep smiling.

Although not perfect, really good.

I'm not going to lie, the animation wasn't perfect but it is much better than anything else I usually see here on newgrounds. Also the plot and the story is weak, but Halo doesn't really need a plot, it is basically shoot some aliens, blow shit up and save the day and you capture that very well in this flash. So overall I think it was great, and I'm glad tha t people like you are still submitting things like this which you've actually been working on, and not just thrown together.

But one thing that would have made it a little better than it already is, is that you could have put in some sound effects. The music is really good for building up a good atmosphere, but if add gun shot noise when the main hero is firing his weapon, well that would have made this truly awesome.

Looks pretty cool

Animation seems alright, and the build up so far have been interesting, so I hope you will eventually as you promise submit what I guess will be the first part of an epic saga.

Sorry buddy

What can be said, everything about it is made badly. I've seen similar things but even they were better than this.

oliverscottbrown responds:

Thanks for the review. I was just doing a test. I didn't program anything. I just tweaked the clock from a pre-made one using Games Factory 2 Newgrounds Edition.

From time to time I upload music here, but for the most part I make dick jokes on the BBS.

Age 31, Male

Something with TVs


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